Sex with a female escort has always been a thing – at least in the East (and believe me, there are tons of female escorts there). Although it has slowly infiltrated the Western world, it is only in the last couple of years that women’s dating has started to become familiar. If you’ve read a little about dating women, you’ll notice one thing: it’s all about connecting with your physical self. So, how can you include a female escort if you are in a long-distance relationship? Good question. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. If you are used to escorting women and want to improve your skills (you need to stay on top of your game!), or you happened to see a Tiptop on sex games and sex escort, and it has piqued your interest. Curiosity, you are in the right place.

Today, thousands of people practice female courtship, all using different techniques from Hinduism or Buddhism. It doesn’t matter which stream you choose; both have the same foundation: the women’s date is about connection, attention, and celebrating the sanctity of your body. It’s about letting go of your ego and fully immersing yourself in the moment with your partner, mixing masculine and feminine energies and aligning them in the sexual act. The purpose of the female company is to have sexual relations with a female partner beyond the physical appearance; instead, sex with a female companion becomes stimulating, healing, and transcendent. Sounds good, right? But I know you may be wondering how I will do it. Look, everyone starts from scratch – female escort masters don’t become masters without trial and error. So don’t worry. Just read this is your first step! You can’t start having sex with a female partner if you haven’t started educating yourself on the subject to have an idea of ​​what it is. And it already is. So, what can we do to begin? To immerse yourself in sex with a female partner, you need the world around you to disappear. Turn off all devices, light candles, and choose a room without distractions. Clean the space you choose, making it cozy and clutter-free. You want to create a space for safe sex.

And most importantly, set a goal for this sex session. For example, it could be “Tell your body how much you love it” or “explore your (or your partner’s) body more deeply.” Start by looking your partner in the eye, showing them ultimately. Let yourself be seen for all that you are. Hold this pose for a few minutes, and when you feel comfortable, purposely bring your hands to your heart, keeping your eyes focused on you.

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